Static Methods in Functional Components

Overview Recently, I took on a new position as a React Native developer. I've had past experiences with mobile development (both Objective-C for iOS and Java for Android), but this is my first position using React for mobile. I had dabbled with a proof of concept at my last gig, but mainly kept to…

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Tricks of the Trade: Gatsby + HTML Transforms

Overview I help develop and maintain my girlfriend's online fitness program website over at . It's a Gatsby generated site, hosted on Netlify , using Firebase as a backend. She uses Netlify CMS to manage the content through different forms (but uses Markdown under the…

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Netlify Functions and Firebase SDK Gotchas

Recently I was working on a project utilizing Gatsby , Netlify Functions and Firebase (although, more specifically, Firestore). First there is some initial configuration to do when using Netlify Lambda and the Firebase SDK, as per their documentation . Install the required dev package via npm…

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Building a Scalable React App with Pusher

Overview Have you ever wanted to level up an application by allowing users to collaborate on live data together or notifying them of data changes in realtime? With a standard REST backend implementation, the user would have to refresh the page to fetch the latest or you could implement polling. In…

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